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I'm Felipe Gheno (you can call me Pletz), a Product designer passionate about color, technology, art and design. I have 2 BAs (Communications - Advertising and Graphic Design), a masters in Interaction design, and a great sense of humor.
Design should be interesting, smart, and functional. The creative process is fascinating to me and I believe that co-creation always translates into a better project. That's why listening to users and understanding their needs is a major part of making design decisions.
After migrating from graphic to digital design (it's my passion!), my last role as a product designer involved working with speech/conversational technology for artificial intelligence, researching, designing, and testing for human-to-human, human-to-machine interactions (Interactive Voice Response). I was also responsible for guiding the visual design team according to the development and integration of the Design System.
I am currently working as a product designer at Codacy, the DevOps platform in the quality squad, designing and testing to improve the experience between engineers and their code quality. I am also the designer responsible for improving the design system with a big challenge: merging their 2 design systems into one to create a unified user experience among the products.
If you want to know more, just access my cv
But enough about me. Let's hear from you!
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